Tried to get the Flight Gear Simulator to work, not enough support for it by diydrones
Had trouble uploading the HIL Simulator APM to the board (green plane in display), not showing up in my APM planner sofwtware
watched youtube videos of the APM Planner working side by side with the X Plane simulator, seems to be the best simulator to use. Demo version is free. Users have gotten it to work with Demo version.
Notebook has basic layout of simulator
Had problem with most recent version of "relaxpatch" for arduino, problem fixed with version before that.
Simulation Basic Layout
Autopilot Basic Hookups
Out 1 - Aileron/Rudder or Elevon Servo
Out 2 - Elevator or Elevon Servo
Out 3 - Aircraft ESC
Out 4 - Rudder Servo
In 1 - Roll/Aileron (RC Receiver)
In 2 - Pitch/Elevator (RC Receiver)
In 3 - Throttle (RC Receiver)
In 4 - Yaw/Rudder (RC Receiver)
In 8 - Autopilot Control (RC Receiver)
(GPS, airspeed, and telemetry already connected to ports)
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